Posts Tagged ‘tomato’

Vegetable growing abroad

Abroad vegetable growing differs in the separate countries assortment of cultures and methods of their cultivation. Among the foreign socialist states specific weight of vegetable growing in plant growing and economy of Bulgaria where cultivate vegetables in a considerable quantity for export is especially high; 1 place on areas under crops and a total yield is occupied with a tomato, then a sweet pepper, vegetable peas, an onions, salad, colour and green-head cabbage, carrot, etc.

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Increase yield of vegetables

In an increase yield and increase in production of vegetables the important role is played by Selection and Seed-growing. The Soviet selectors breed breeds of vegetable cultures for each soil-climatic zone of the country, various ripenings on times, for cultivation in opened and a sheltered ground, consumption in a fresh kind and for different kinds of processing qualitatively new breeds and heterosis forms of plants Are etc. bred also: cold-resistant, determinant, bole breeds of a tomato; keeper and ultra-early ripening breeds of cabbage, and also a breed, resistant against a clubroot; partially monoecious forms of a cucumber; breeds of carrot with the raised content of carotin; an one-seeded table beet, breeds of a beet for an early winter sowing. On 1974 637 breeds (80 %) Soviet selection have been zoned 796 breeds and hybrids of vegetable cultures, from them.
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Measures on an increase yield of vegetable cultures

The basic agrotechnical measures applied to an increase yield of vegetable cultures: use of high-quality seeds of the most productive breeds and hybrids, introduction of efficient rotations with scientifically proved crop rotation, an irrigation, application in sufficient doses organic and fertilizers, agrotechnical, biological and chemical protection frames of plants from pests, diseases and weeds. The soil cultivation system under vegetable cultures includes autumn and a presowing cultivation, and also interrow loosening.

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Vegetable growing – the term 1

Vegetable growing – the branch of agriculture engaging in cultivation of vegetable plants. Melon growing concerns vegetable growing – cultivation watermelons cultures.

Distinguish vegetable growing of an open ground and vegetable growing of the protected (closed) ground. In an open ground cultivate vegetable cultures for reception of vegetables and seeds during the spring-and-summer and autumn periods, in a sheltered ground – vegetables during out-of-season time when on climatic conditions crop reception in the field is impossible, and seedlings for an open ground.

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Storage a tomato

It is possible to store tomatoes 1,5-2 months in a cellar or a cellar in wooden boxes, plentifully having poured their dry peat. For more prolonged storage in boxes put green tomatoes, and they slowly ripen within 3-4 months. If you want, that green tomatoes have ripened faster, store them indoors with a room temperature.


Vegetables represent the special value as alimentary and medicinal products in connection with the high maintenance to them of vitamins. As vitamins are called low-molecular organic matters, various on a chemical constitution. Remarkable feature of these materials is that their quantity necessary for an organism, is insignificant a little, but presence of these remains necessarily. Such simple name of these materials – vitamins – actually masks the terrible fact bound to them: absence of vitamins in nutrition invokes heavy diseases, for example a scurvy, takes-take, a rickets, pellagra and other which come to an end with mors of the patient. From here "vitamin" that В«life amineВ» (amines – the phylum of organic matters) means.

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Vegetables began to define the further development of an alimentary system. They compensated a meat lack: thanks to the low caloricity they were consumed by our ancestors in considerable quantities without excess of rational energy value, creating feeling of appetite and satiety. Also vegetables have not driven out some meat of a diet of the person completely, but opposite, promoted the best mastering of meat and other food natural products. The feeling of satiety has allowed our ancestors not to ferment all time in search of food, and a food by meat stimulated development of a brain which has occupied hours of full leisure ancient with useful occupations.

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