About a site https://igardener.org

Site for gardeners, truck farmers, farmers and all of us who likes to grow up itself plants on the sites.

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Throughout many centuries and millenia the person lived at the expense of a garden economy. And now a kitchen garden perceive as one of the most outstanding achievement of human thought, opening of a science of botany.

All great opening in mankind history were born on light thanks to a happy case. For example, Ancient Greek scientist Archimedes has opened the law on the pushing out force, nowadays carrying a name of the great Greek, having spilt water in a bathroom. With the English mathematician, the mechanic, the astronomer and the physicist Isaakom Newton if to trust leisure conversations, there was other discomfiture: it has opened the universal gravitation law when to it the apple has fallen to a head. Also it has absolutely silly turned out with opening of force of steam. English inventor James Uatt has invented the steam-engine first in history after has seen a jumping cover on a pan with boiling water.

Truck farming was born, as well as like all great opening of mankind, absolutely casually. The primitive person was very observant. All event in the nature very much interested it as its survival depended on it. Ancestors-cave men created metal constructions on which conducted calendar calculation of months and seasons. Ancient people watched closely behaviour of trade animals, tried to imitate them to remember all habits of an animal and to catch it. Observed primitive communities and of plants which were for them the most mysterious: live beings, plants at the same time behaved is distinct from the animals more similar to the person. Plants could be very tasty, and could be mortally poisonous. Plants gave the big share of food, habitation, fire. Therefore the person admired mysterious beings and watched closely their behaviour.

He has noticed, that buried by it or animals in the earth for emergency edible parts of plants sprouted and turned to the present adult plants which gave even more from what they have grown. The person has tried to put plants – to dig in in the earth scraps and as a result has received the first crop. The first botanical supervision of the person had such, purely utilitarian character, and they have allowed it to gain the first victory over the nature, to create own power supply, contrary to wood.

Most ancient of vegetables the cabbage which in a neolith (the new Stone Age) began to grow up Iberian tribes is considered. Five millenia ago the person has got acquainted with a pumpkin. To occurrence of the first civilisations the mankind knew all basic vegetable cultures.

Some great ancient civilisations arose on the basis of garden settlements. For example, Inca, created in to opened skilled gardeners of the potato, inventing various artful adaptations for cultivation of this culture were Columbus Peru mighty empire. Inca dug out in fertile Andean soils in fifty kilometres from capital of the empire, a city of Cuzco, huge deepenings in the form of correct circles – one in other. On ledges of terraces Indians grew up a potato. For potato planting it was used special wooden stake with supports for hands and feet. stake men did by it in the deepening earth, in which following men of the woman placed in deepenings potato tubers then fell asleep holes the earth. Thus, truck farming underlay historical progress of mankind.

Our site is devoted this ancient and extraordinary to a useful occupation – to truck farming, to be exact to that it gives to people, and without what it would be simply impossible. This book about garden cultures, that is the vegetables, which people after the millenia have learnt not only to use in food, but also with success to use for other needs. Which? Read further, and all of you learn!