Posts Tagged ‘peas’

Vegetable growing abroad

Abroad vegetable growing differs in the separate countries assortment of cultures and methods of their cultivation. Among the foreign socialist states specific weight of vegetable growing in plant growing and economy of Bulgaria where cultivate vegetables in a considerable quantity for export is especially high; 1 place on areas under crops and a total yield is occupied with a tomato, then a sweet pepper, vegetable peas, an onions, salad, colour and green-head cabbage, carrot, etc.

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Vegetable growing – the term 1

Vegetable growing – the branch of agriculture engaging in cultivation of vegetable plants. Melon growing concerns vegetable growing – cultivation watermelons cultures.

Distinguish vegetable growing of an open ground and vegetable growing of the protected (closed) ground. In an open ground cultivate vegetable cultures for reception of vegetables and seeds during the spring-and-summer and autumn periods, in a sheltered ground – vegetables during out-of-season time when on climatic conditions crop reception in the field is impossible, and seedlings for an open ground.

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Green peas drying

  • For drying use young green peas, with the gentle and soft grains collected for 15-17 day after flowering.
  • If peas grains different in the size sort peas, having passed it through a sieve, and dry the big and small peas separately.
  • Shell peas lower in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then cast away it on a cullender and wash out cold water.
  • Pour out peas on a sieve and place for 10 minutes in a drying cupboard, temperature in which establish in 45 degrees. After you will get a sieve with peas from a cabinet, allow to it to stand 1-1,5 hours, and then again put a sieve in a cabinet and establish temperature about 60 degrees.
  • It is possible to exsiccate young green peas and in another way. Pour peas in the added some salt water also bring to the boil. Then cast away peas on a cullender and predry. Pour out peas on a baking tray, pour a small amount of sugar and exsiccate.
  • The dried peas should have a wrinkled surface and to be dark green colour.
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    Peas storage

    Peas will remain for a long time and thus will not lose the taste if husk peas grain to pour salt and to leave for days. On 1 kg of peas 1 / 2 glasses of salt undertake. Then the appeared juice merge, pour peas into the enameled pan and warm up on a water bath about 1 hour. After that peas cool, pour into glass jars and store in a cold cellar or a refrigerator. Before the peas use in its food fill in with water and cook about 2 hours with sugar addition.


    Vegetables began to define the further development of an alimentary system. They compensated a meat lack: thanks to the low caloricity they were consumed by our ancestors in considerable quantities without excess of rational energy value, creating feeling of appetite and satiety. Also vegetables have not driven out some meat of a diet of the person completely, but opposite, promoted the best mastering of meat and other food natural products. The feeling of satiety has allowed our ancestors not to ferment all time in search of food, and a food by meat stimulated development of a brain which has occupied hours of full leisure ancient with useful occupations.

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