Vegetable growing abroad

Abroad vegetable growing differs in the separate countries assortment of cultures and methods of their cultivation. Among the foreign socialist states specific weight of vegetable growing in plant growing and economy of Bulgaria where cultivate vegetables in a considerable quantity for export is especially high; 1 place on areas under crops and a total yield is occupied with a tomato, then a sweet pepper, vegetable peas, an onions, salad, colour and green-head cabbage, carrot, etc.

Bulgaria exports 19 kinds of fresh vegetables and 24 kinds of canned vegetables to 26 countries. On scales heterosis seed-growings of vegetable cultures it occupies 1 place in the world. Vegetable growing quickly develops in Hungary and Romania which export a considerable part of production. Cultivate mainly a tomato, and also cabbage, a common onion and pepper.

In GDR the basic vegetable cultures – vegetable peas, carrot, a celery, cabbage, a cucumber, a tomato, a head lettuce, a kohlrabi. In Poland the cabbage, an onions, carrot, a beet, a tomato, a cucumber have great value.

The considerable areas under vegetable cultures on Cuba where cultivate a tomato, an onions, a cucumber, beans, eggplants, cabbage, salad, garlic, carrot.

In Yugoslavia on 1st place on volume of production among vegetable cultures there is a cabbage, on 2nd – a bean; cultivate also onions napiform, a leek-onions, garlic, a tomato, pepper, carrot, etc.

In the Peoples Republic of China vegetable growing – one of the most ancient branches of agriculture. There cultivate about 80 kinds of vegetable cultures, most of all in the South and the country Southwest.

Vegetable growing differs intensity of use of the ground areas (receive on 3 – 9 crops in a year in the south and 1 – 3 crops – in northern areas), prevalence of manual skills. The basic cultures: a Chinese cabbage, the Chinese radish, a Welsh onion-onions, mustard (sheet and root crop), garlic, a cucumber, a bean, etc.

Among the capitalist European countries under vegetable cultures Italy has the greatest area. The country of the developed vegetable growing – the Netherlands. Reception of cheap production is reached by specialisation of economy on the limited quantity of cultures, presence of a considerable quantity of hothouses and reception in them of several crops in a year. Assortment of cultivated cultures: a tomato, a cucumber, salad, colour and Brussels sprouts, spinach, a leek-onions, carrot, a celery, parsley, a scorzonera, vegetable peas and a bean.

The Netherlands occupies 1 place in the world on the area of hothouses per capita (4,24). Over 30 various kinds of vegetables cultivate in Germany. In the Great Britain the greatest specific weight vegetable bean cultures and cabbage (mainly colour and Bruxelles) have, salad, a cress-salad and onions.

Vegetable growing – large branch of agriculture of production in the USA. Over 50 % of a crop of vegetables goes on various kinds of processing. The assortment of cultivated cultures is rich. The basic cultures: a sweet corn, a tomato, vegetable peas and a bean, salad, an asparagus. There is a strict specialisation in production of vegetables. Seed-growing of vegetable cultures, reception and use heterosis seeds is developed.

The great value of vegetable growing has in Mexico, where vegetables (mainly a tomato) cultivate for export. In Japan vegetable growing is characterised by high level of mechanisation, use of highly productive heterosis hybrids, chemical growth stimulants of plants. The main vegetable cultures on production volume – the Chinese and green-head cabbage, a common onion, a cucumber, a tomato, a radish-dajkon. Hothouse vegetable growing is developed also. Tunnels with a film covering are applied.

In vegetable growing as are engaged in a number of the countries of Africa (ARE, Algeria, Tunis, Morocco).

Source of information: Овощеводство за рубежом


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